miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021

Week from May 18 to 21

 Click on the image, watch the video at least three times and  do the activities on your portfolio:


What are the different tenses?

Presente                  Pasado                             Futuro 

 - simple                 - simple                            - simple 

 - continuo              - continuo                        - continuo 

 - perfecto               - perfecto                         - perfecto

 - perfecto               - perfecto                         - perfecto

 progresivo               progresivo                      progresivo

What sentences did you translate in the video exercise?

  • I had eaten shrimp three times this month - Había comido camarones tres veces este mes
  • Yesterday i ate patacones - Ayer comí patacones 
  • I have bougth three shirts -  He comprado tres camisas 
  • I will buy a car  -  Compraré un carro 
  • Angelyn will have finished her thesis by next semester - Angelyn habrá terminado su tesis el próximo semestres
  • The new and big elephant will be at the show next friday  - El nuevo y grande elefante estara en la feria el próximo viernes 
  • I had saved the file before the computer turned off - Había guardado el archivo antes de que se apagara el computador
  • You hadn`t been waiting - No habías estado esperando
  • He will have been running for 3 hours before marathon ends - El habrá estado corriendo durante 3 horas antes de que termine el maratón  
  • Perhaps she will talk to me - Quizás ella me hable

2.Write different examples of the tenses.Real sentences from your life or own experience.


  • I have a pink shirt
  • I have been studying
  • I am hungry
  • I bought a pink shirt
  • I had a class yesterday
  • I was studying a lot
  • I had not studied for the exam
  • I had been studying
  • I will go on vacation
  • I will be home during the holidays
  • I will have fun
  • I will have been studying on vacation